Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Renewable Energy - Jenny Hamon

I see in the Press a wind farm’s proposed,
Out on the west coast, off Cobo it shows.
Some eminent men came up with the idea
To ruin the view with windmills I fear.

The wind is a source of energy, I know
But not all the time does the wind blow.
How about looking at the sea and the tides?
They are predictable every day of our lives.

So why stick those windmills out in the ocean
Instead harness energy from the sea’s motion.
Please don’t ruin our beautiful West Coast
Where fishing and sunsets we love the most

Let’s find a way to harness the tide
Before this proposal is what we decide.
Please think about using the power of the sea,
And keep the coast beautiful for you and for me.

Jenny Hamon

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