Saturday, 11 February 2012

In My Garden (A Winter Reverie) - Kathy Figueroa

Image by Kathy Figueroa

In My Garden (A Winter Reverie) - Kathy Figueroa

I am a gardener
A tiller of the soil
Often, in my garden
From dawn to dusk
I'll toil
I work the land
And plant many seeds
Tend my crops
And pull the weeds
Then, at Night's bidding
Reluctantly take my rest
For, of all places on Earth
A garden
Must surely be
Among the best
Though the clutch
Of Winter
Has cast a pall
And the hours of light
Are few
Never ceasing
Without fail
The Sun is born
The harsh wind
May blow
And the snow
Relentlessly fall
But my reverie
Is of my garden
And the beauty of it all

Kathy Figueroa

(This poem was first published in The Bancroft Times newspaper on March 17, 2011.)

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