Thursday, 9 February 2012

If You’re Not on Board (Villanelle) - Rob Platts

If you’re not on board when my ferry sails,
and the spiteful wind's moaning its tirade,
I’ll wait by the gate till your bright light hails.

Picture me! swimming, with dolphin and whales
and cry only joy at marks that we laid,
If you’re not on board when my ferry sails.

Take heart, be strong, at the drive of those nails.
In good time they'll rust; don't be afraid, as
I’ll wait by the gate till your bright light hails.

Look to our children; put away dark veils.
They’ll step that small coin so your ticket's paid,
If you’re not on board when my ferry sails.

Laughter's in the offing, sheet in your sails.
While stars warm your hand and waves serenade,
I'll wait by the gate till your bright light hails.

Don’t turn your back to a new dawn or blade;
I’ve kept our ship's log and that'll not fade.
If you’re not on board when my ferry sails,
I’ll wait by the gate till your bright light hails.

Rob Platts


The poem was written for my friend who’s husband, an old pal and shipmate of mine, was brutally killed at sea in 2009 at the hands of pirates. I've included a few notes for readers who may not be nautically minded.

1. The small coin refers to the ancient practice of shipbuilders putting a silver coin under the main mast to pay the mythical ferry man to ferry the souls of dead sailors to the after life

2. 'The offing' refers to somewhere between where you are and the horizon.

3. 'A new blade' is short for a rudder blade and is a metaphor for a new helmsman ie mate.

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