Monday, 20 February 2012

Deserted Desert - Elle King

Tumble weed had formed,
As it was being blown west,
The scorching sun on the sand,
Putting most life to the test.

A rattle was rattling,
Among the dry grass,
What ever lived near,
was not going to last.

A caw from the vultures,
As they searched for some prey,
may be circling above,
for most of the day.

There was no water around,
As if being hid by camouflage,
The only water you could see,
was a glistening mirage.

And as the sun did set,
So did the heat,
The coldness overcame,
whatever it could meet.

Both the heat and the cold,
Can cause your body to hurt,
be wary of your surroundings,
In the deserted desert.

Elle King

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