Saturday, 11 February 2012

Hallucinated Reality 3 - Quantum States - Andrew Barham

The endless flux –
Dreaming Quantum States:
Countless points of light
Flickering in and out of existence
Particles darting about their orbitals
Seeming to be
At once
Scattering photons in every direction –
Unimagineable dimensions –
Particles flashing
Flickering momentarily into being
Vanishing into the endless nothingness that gave them birth
Joining strings
Now here
Now there
Convoluting into complex balls of energy
Giving birth to new universes
Of fluctuating Quantum States
Before fading away
Into emptiness;
The new iTunes visualiser
On my MacBook
The Hallucinated Reality
That is the basis
For all reality –
8 Creation Myths
Creating the world
From a grain of sand
Dredged up
From the bottomless abyss
By divers means …

Andrew Barham

This is part of a series of "Hallucinated Reality" poems in which the title is actually imbedded within the poem. Thus, these poems are titled, but the title does not appear at the top, but somewhere within the poem.

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