Wednesday, 22 February 2012

I’m Still Here You Know - Aindre Reece-sheerin

I’m still here you know. What with the rain and the snow
And even if sunshine, sure I’ve nowhere else to go
I’m still the one who raised you who fed you at my breast
Who at the tender age of ‘not quite two’ – took you to your first music fest

I helped you sing before you spoke
and slapped you in the middle of your back if you choked
I taught you reason I taught you rhyme
I gave you almost all of my time

So in these fleeting, ‘lucid’ moments of bliss
Hold me like I held you
Take my hand with a kiss
Tell me how much you love me and, its me that you miss

I’ve heard some talk of Alzheimer’s or Dementia
Though I know nothing of that
I just remember your first home nappies
Where everything started with ‘Splat’

I’m still here you or did you forget
When you look so deep into my eyes
The same as your’s – like the bright, blue skies
I’m still here you know and yet……

Why has everyone abandoned me
Why do they tell me what to do
Hoh! and there you go again little one
Potty on your head when its time for a pooh

Rarely but sometimes I forget who and where I am
My name? Why, its Doris, I’m my daddy’s little lamb
Must get the chips on and Andy will be here soon
Must get the chips on – ‘Don’t be talking stupid Doris – I’m not the King of Siam’

I’m still here you know – no I haven’t gone away
I’m a little older now and forgetful so sometimes my thoughts stray
Must get the chips on, somebody took the cat
Are we going out today, Oh my giddy Aunt, I must just clean that mat

What’s your name, are you here to see your Mother?
Its lovely that you come to see her
Mine never bother

I’m still here you know - Sing a song of sixpence
A pocket full of memories – only tuppence a bag
Doris is still here you know - Just take a closer look inside

Aindre Reece-sheerin
Dedicated to Doris E Ward Sheerin

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