Thursday, 23 February 2012

Z is at the end of your alphabet (and D is for ...) - Stephen A. Roberts

Image: Stephen A. Roberts

Z is at the end of your alphabet (and D is for ...) - Stephen A. Roberts

As normal, it began with A for Anyone, Anywhere, but you don't want to
Bore the listener
Creating a new line for every
Damn letter in the
English alphabet
Finding that some letters
Harder to find
Ingenious, and sometimes
Juvenile words to represent them
Killing yourself to be clever
Loving each
Made up
New word,
Pausing to rethink in the
Quiet, and taking time to
Reconsider the
Specific choice
That will be
Understood by
Various people
Who know that your
X-ray means that
You have Z at the end of your alphabet; and that
Z is for Zurich

Stephen A. Roberts

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