Thursday, 23 February 2012

I miss you so much - Aindre Reece-sheerin

I miss you so much

I do really miss you so much, for the way you smiled
for those whimsical looks and pretend frowns
how your spirit uplifted us from the ups to the downs
with you there was no need to send in the clowns

I miss you every day, but am succoured by what you would say
‘I have some fabulous memories and it is these very memories
that we use to hold us when there is no-one to hold us’
it is in, these very memories, that your spirit will never ever die
while I remember you – in fact it soars

so I take heart in my missing you, and the days of tears
and all those lost moments but our memories abide
so as we walk along this, life’s highway, you’ll still be at my side
where love for you and affection will always be in my every stride

in my waking or sleeping, and in laughter with friends
your spirit walks with me until this, life’s journey, ends

Aindre Reece-sheerin

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