Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The Horse - Stuart Price

A rider carefully steered his horse through the untamed forest,
A panorama of colour in summer’s full burning magnificence.
Branches of a long leaf pine swayed in the gentle breeze,
As a caterpillar crawled slowly up it’s trunk.

A fox blinked in the midday heat, deciding to stay out of sight,
While a leaf on the forest floor winced with pain as a metalled hoof trod upon it.
The compassionate overhead sun smiled,
Happy with her role as co-creator of this beautiful scene.

Horse and rider were locked into the same restful rhythm,
As of a slow ballad sung on a Spanish street on a July evening,
While tourists ponder menu choices outside welcoming Casas.
Except that here no money is needed to consume the rich
Meal, served as Nature’s gift to those unencumbered to receive it.

So dear reader, will you join me in celebrating all manifestations of life ?
Or will you go about this world, focussed only on your problems,
And forget to see the beautiful myriads of Creation that are all around you ?

As we make space in our minds and hearts for all that is good,
So there it will be, and a long forgotten memory of where we
Are truly at home, welcomed and innocent, will return once more.

Stuart Price

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