Thursday, 23 February 2012

Spontaneous verse to go with Muse - Aindre Reece-Sheerin

How then can I say, ‘Sorry’ how can I just employ this four letter word with a tail.
How might I express the deep regret at falling off my Charger
However will I regain the trust you placed in me
How will I be able to demonstrate that what I need is to be forgiven and to move on

Once our spirits soared, once our lives were entwined
Once we were two separate beings but with one thought – each other
Once we lived, loved and laughed together
Once upon a time and still the clock ticks on

It was not your choice nor mine to go and fight for that which we all thought was right and proper
It was not written in any stars that we would be separated by hatred and war
It was just that time – it was, - just, that, time

So oft I hear the calls, ‘bring them home bring them home'
And in the still misty mornings yet I can see those boys marching on
Marching on but to glory – no marching on for what they thought was right and proper
So that those of you left behind might be free, free from tyranny
I loved you then, I love you now, I will always love you

Aindre Reece-Sheerin

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