Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Frog Prince Story Poem - Elle King

The Sakura trees are blooming,
Now in the beginning of spring,
The weather is turning sunny,
And the birds begin to sing.

But one story that I love,
And it happened with our backyards pond,
It was so beautiful and magical,
As if from a flick from a wand.

The grass so green and soft,
The ponds water so blue and clear,
But something in that water,
Was drawing me near.

A frog had hopped out,
Making noises with its inflating throat,
As if it were trying to speak to me,
It let out a giant croak!

I was into fairy tales,
This was a chance I didn’t want to miss,
So I picked up this little frog,
And gave it a little kiss.

All of a sudden, within a flash,
I was stunned to see a prince,
I shook my head in disbelief,
saying ''it was only a coincidence'

A dream, a dream, it has to be!
I should try and get myself to awake,
I pinched, I yelled, I rolled around,
but I realised this wasn’t fake.

Such a beautiful figure,
Stood in front of my very eyes,
From a frog a prince appeared,
Although I’m very surprised.

A fairy-tale this still must be,
There’s no way this could be real,
Seeing a frog and picking it up,
with a kiss to seal the deal.

This must be a magic trick,
Or it could have been an actor,
Or I could still be reading the frog prince book,
And it’s at the end of its chapter.

But alas, it was only a book,
Oh prince how I’ll miss you,
That’s the end of book 1,
You'll have to wait for book 2.

The frog that jumped out of our pond,
Was no coincidence,
because after the kiss occurred,
I found my beautiful frog prince.

Elle King

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