Monday, 13 February 2012

Bio - Kathy Figueroa

Kathy Figueroa

First of all, I'd like to say that I consider it to be an honour and a privilege to be a contributor to the, 'Guernsey Poets,' blog, particularly since I live in rural Ontario, Canada!

My involvement with this group of writers, from the Channel Islands, who are situated such a great geographic distance away from Bancroft, Ontario, initially came about when an invitation was extended to me to join a Facebook poetry group that had been created to facilitate communication with, and display poetry by, writers from that area. The Facebook site proved to be such a success that the, 'Guernsey Poets,' blog was created to accommodate the ever increasing number of poems that were being submitted. Of course, I was interested in participating!

To tell you a bit about myself, I'm a freelance writer and photographer. A small plant nursery, which I own and operate, has provided the subjects of many of my photographs. These floral photos are featured on cards that I produce and offer for sale in various places in the Bancroft area and, also, when I take part in an annual art studio tour.

Since 2004, both local newspapers, The Bancroft Times and Bancroft This Week, have published my articles and photographs. Over the years, my work has appeared in a diverse variety of other print media, across Ontario, such as: Mystical Voices Magazine, the Mohawk Nation Drummer, Anishinabek News (including the annual Pow-Wow Guide), the Haliburton Echo (including The Weekender section), and the Belleville Intelligencer. Online, besides appearing on the, 'Guernsey Poets,' blog, my work can be found on various poetry websites such as, 'Fieralingue' (Italy), and, 'Tsunami Books' (France), as well as on Sun Media community newspaper websites across both Ontario and Canada.

Recently, I've been involved with producing a series of illustrated poetry chapbooks that feature small collections of my work and the first two, 'This And That: Five Poems,' and, 'Rural Rhymes: Five Poems,' have just been completed. I'm hoping to eventually have a collection of my poetry and photographs published as a hard cover volume and am currently going through the process of looking for a book publisher.

Along with being happy to contribute to the Guernsey Poets blog, I'll have to mention that I really enjoy reading the fantastic work of the other poets, which is so artistically and abundantly displayed there. A poetry site of this nature is, in my opinion, truly a delight to read as well as to contribute to.


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