Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Nothing Less, Nothing More - Janinka Diverio

Nothing Less, Nothing More - Janinka Diverio

A memory now
Nothing more
Nothing less
Under this cold silent day of summer
With still blue skies
I ask myself
‘Were they all lies?’

The gathered momentum of months gone by
Like a wave growing in force only to crescendo and crash and chase
The eroding shingles to the shore
Just a memory now
Nothing less
Nothing more
The wave tugs, like a beckoning spirit under a
Distant silent moon….and
Pulls and repels the flotsam
Again into the hungry mouth of the ocean

Too much emotion
Too many defeats 

Too much to bear

I stand

Alone, afraid
Face to my face
And I ask myself
‘Were you really ever there?’ 

Janinka Diverio

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