Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Magical Melody Story - Elle King

I heard this beautiful Melody,
... The notes were flowing together,
The music was hypnotising,
I wanted it to last forever.

Such a beautiful story,
Was being made within the tune,
The notes were flowing gracefully,
Like a new butterfly from a cocoon.

It was as if by magic,
The music was drawing me near,
I listened close with all my heart,
To see what else i could hear.

I could hear chimes,
Like a beautiful breeze had flown,
I could hear birds singing to eachother,
So they know their not alone.

I could hear a heartbeat,
I think the music had a heart,
The peaceful piece that was playing,
Was only just the start.

The music had gotten faster,
It was picking up the pace,
But even though the notes were flying,
The music still had its grace.

The wonders of the notes,
Flying without a fear,
My eyes were closed and my ears were open,
To see what else i could hear.

The music started to turn sad,
And it made me want to cry,
The Melody had gotten slower,
And the notes were saying goodbye.

A tear had fallen of my cheek,
And slowly hit the ground,
But something sad like a tear,
Emitted a beautiful sound.

These happy tears had started,
Because this beautiful melody started to play,
And even though instuments have no voice,
They still have alot to say.

They have a voice within their melody,
Just listen with your heart,
As i said in the beginning,
This is only the start.

I once heard this beautiful melody,
A story it was trying to send,
The melody faded into your heart,
To bid this poem an end.

Moral of this story,
Look deep within your heart,
Don't give up on what you love,
Because its only just the start.

Elle King

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