Monday, 13 July 2015

The Water Lanes - Tony Gardner

Out of mingled childhood mem'ries,
Myriad warm and lovely dreams,
One stands out above all others,
Down the water lanes a stream
Twinkled, singing through the Eden
Which we took for granted then
How I wish I could recover
Those sweet sylvan hours again.

Dappled sunlight through the branches,
Bird song rich from every tree
And the chuckling, happy water,
Dancing down towards the sea
Still I smell that warm, soft dampness,
Still I taste upon my lips
Cold, clean water, full of magic,
When I laid full length to sip.

Happy days and simple pleasures,
Now seem very far away
But in memory I wander
Down that path towards the bay.
Then all those idyllic hours,
When Life knew no care or pain
Live once more as I, in fancy,
Walk the water lanes again

Tony Gardner

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