Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Bulgarian Men just Don't Wear Socks (or so it seems) - Elizabeth Fisher

Did you know that Bulgarian men just don't wear socks?

We arrived on a holiday
And our suitcase was small
Don't worry they told us
Bulgaria has it all .

So we packed the minimum
And socks were so few
we'll get plenty in markets
Two pairs will do.

Well do you know Bulgarian men just don't wear socks!
Or so it seems.

We searched high and low
But not a sock could be seen.

We looked at the men
In sandals and flipflops
Strutting their stuff.
But looking for socks
well, we'd just had enough.

With gold chains around their necks they all looked divine
That was fine .

They swagger and ooze confidence
From old men to young .
Who cares about socks
When you're out in the sun.

There is no rhyme or reason
Why this should be so
But i suppose
When you really think about it
Socks and sandals just don't go.

Elizabeth Fisher

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