Monday, 20 July 2015

A Taxi Ride into Varna to the Mall - Elizabeth Fisher

So many green trees
The landscape is beautiful.
The soft warmth of the sun enfolds itself around us.

We are in a taxi heading for Varna.
The little old man driving
is tryng very hard to talk to us.
He knows few words in English.
But somehow we can communicate.

The cars speed by
Flats and houses rush past
Hidden and somehow not looking so old and faded among the trees.

We sense a feeling of ancient history
Merging with a modern world.

People start to appear
And we are at the Mall
Very modern inside
And full of interesting up to date shopping.

The food floor at the top is our destination right now...
We take a walk around
We view all the different types of food
The local food interests us the most
Kebabs and fresh salads
We settled for these,
And enjoy a memorable meal.

Tomorrow we will walk around the wooded area
Of St Constantine and Helena

We will visit the monastery
And then off to the hot natural spa waters
And soak and sunbathe for the rest of the day.

There is such variety in Bulgaria
And such beauty in the natural countryside.

it is a wonderful experience to be here
We are totally relaxed.

Time has reverted to the time span of childhood.
The days are long again.
And we can somehow fit in a lot of varied activities.

Sometimes we seem to have the day stretching ahead.
We have had time to paint pictures write poems and short stories.
It's funny how the time
Is never the same when we get home.

Elizabeth Fisher

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