Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Run, Run, Run - Kathy Figueroa

Run, run, run
Go, go, go
Gotta get things done
And can’t be slow

Work, work, work
Can’t hesitate
There are too many things
That just won’t wait

Go here, go there
Go up and down
Work at home
Make a trip to town

I don’t want to spread
Myself too thin but,
At times, I’ve so much to do
I don’t know where to begin

Something always
Needs to be done, so
It’s easy to work too hard
And forget to have fun

But a sense of achievement
Is my reward and
I never get depressed
…And I’m never bored

Kathy Figueroa

Run, Run, Run was first published in The Bancroft Times newspaper on July 23, 2015.

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