Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Dinosaurs of Rock, We Salute You - Stephen A. Roberts

I used to follow bands, to gigs far and wide
But as I've got older, my curiosity has died
Been there done that, no need to attend
Seen them, heard him, the artist and friends
New noise by the old boys, I have had enough
Your latest isn't your greatest, play the older stuff
Time to stop fooling yourselves, time to give it all a rest
You're past your sell by date, well past your best


I bought your last album, which I thought was final
Now I see a limited release on 180 gram vinyl!
A remastered box set of early material is coming
I know I'm gonna get it, 'cos I already started humming
Parting with with my readies, milked like a cash cow -
Yes, I've got my tickets, to come see you take that final bow...

Stephen A. Roberts

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