Thursday, 9 July 2015

Poem For Nepal - Kathy Figueroa

No one knows the future
Or when tragedy will befall
And no one could foresee
The earthquake that struck Nepal

When the earth moved
And buildings and homes fell
The pictures that we saw
Looked like scenes from Hell

People lost more than
Money could ever replace
And sorrow touched
Every person’s face

But, across the seas
In distant lands
Caring folks rallied
To extend helping hands

And so, we’ve come together
Because we’ve heard the call
That a great deal of help is needed
For the people of Nepal

Now we donate money
As well as our time
To fundraising events
That include song and rhyme

And we hope that our efforts
However seemingly small
Will help to rebuild homes
…And restore spirits, in Nepal

Kathy Figueroa

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