Sunday, 10 March 2013

Ten Empty Bottles - Jenny Hamon

Ten empty bottles sitting on my wall
Ten empty bottles, have I drunk them all?
But if one empty bottle should accidently fall
There’d be nine empty bottles sitting on my wall

Nine empty bottles by the garden path
Nine empty bottles, a party aftermath
But if one empty bottle should roll down the garden path
There’d be eight empty bottles left there to my wrath

Eight empty bottles stashed behind the door
Eight empty bottles for the recycling for sure
But if one empty bottle should roll and cause me to fall
There’d be seven empty bottles stashed behind the door

Seven empty bottles now sitting in my hall
Seven empty bottles lined up against the wall
But if one empty bottle falls over on the floor
There’d be six empty bottles waiting in my hall

Six empty bottles moved to the kitchen shelf
Six empty bottles were put there by myself
But if one empty bottle is knocked off the kitchen shelf
There’d be five empty bottles left sitting on the shelf

Five empty bottles, on my shelf they cannot stay
Five empty bottles, should recycle them today
But I dropped an empty bottle on the kitchen floor
Now the number of bottles left is now down to four

Four empty bottles now in a plastic bin
Four empty bottles rolling round making a din
But on the way to the car I dropped the bin they’re in
So there’s three empty bottles for the recycling bin.

Three empty bottles in the boot of the car
Three empty bottles, the journey’s not too far
But the emergency stop caused the bottles to jar
So there’s two empty bottles sitting in the car

Two empty bottles rolling round at will
Two empty bottles now rolling down the hill
One empty bottle beat me down the hill
Now there’s one empty bottle saved from the landfill

One empty bottle off to recycle in my car
One empty bottle, I’ve kept it safe so far
But if I drop this empty bottle and my record I will mar
I’ll have just lots of broken bits to shovel from my car!

Jenny Hamon

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