Monday, 11 March 2013

The Crossroads Of Eternity - Lyndon Queripel

I was out on the road trying to hitch a ride
When a car pulled over and stopped in a slide
"Where are you going?" I asked the driver inside
"To the crossroads of eternity." He replied
Now that’s one place I have never been
So I opened the door and then I got in

I looked for a seatbelt as he put down his heel
And saw there was a bible open at Ezekiel
He said he was a Christian as I heard tyres squeal
And so I asked him "man, is God for real?"
He smiled and said "brother, this is no appeal
But if you hear a trumpet, grab the wheel."

I said "slow down." and then began to shout
"You’re going too fast, stop and let me out.
All of my life seems to be flashing by
Jesus, don't you know I'm too young to die?”
As we hit the next bend doing ninety five
I thought we'd never get out of there alive

Now we were clocking over a hundred and ten
Turning white with fright i began to shake
And when I looked behind it blew my mind
Some other crazy guy was trying to overtake

There was a flash, it was the last thing I saw
Everything was spinning as I fell to the floor
I closed my eyes, I couldn't take any more
And when I woke up, I was holding my jaw
My bed was upside down and my head was sore
I was sure I'd been through that dream before

Now the moral of this story, in case you hadn’t guessed
Is to buy your own car, learn to drive and pass a test.

Lyndon Queripel

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