Friday, 1 March 2013

Jesus Must Have Heard Him By Now - Aindre Reece-Sheerin

Tantum ergo Sacramentum
or Sweet Heart of Jesus
Night after night I would sing
as I lay in my bed with no-one
except my four brothers

Yes I'm a catholic and proud of that too
not to mention that time old taboo
betrayal and hurt the hiding the lying
but we can with a will repair and heal

the burning of incense
the constant whisper of the old ones
prayers echoing round the Church and its walls
watching the wax on candle falls

falls like frozen creamy rivers
held there in time
singing out louder
but with reason and rhyme

practising at home, in school and at Church
though we called it Chapel een though a Cathedral it was

Warmth of candle light in the gloom
the rustle of cassocks
my envy at never being chosen
so the better I would sing

Of His glory and praise
with lyricism and love in each phrase
until that day
one day

night in fact when Michael shouts
'mammy, will ye tell him to stop singing'
'Why son'? came the reply

'because Jesus must have heard him by now'

Aindre Reece-Sheerin

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