Upward, upward, upward he goes
on the taut rope in dusty heat
defying gravity, belief.
One rope end lies, sweat-oiled, coiled, neat,
on a soiled, cheesecloth handkerchief.
From his father’s pipe, music flows.
The other end climbs vertically,
upward and attached to nothing
and up that swaying ladder, there,
a small brown boy, with gold ear ring,
shins, this red morning, while we stare
with breathless incredulity.
We western tourists: Brits, fat Yanks,
believe mostly in disbelief.
Dull cynicism is our way:
debunking magic is our brief.
It’s just a bloody trick! we say,
who trust in pension plans and banks.
Richard Fleming
This poem appears in Richard’s second poetry collection, Strange Journey.
For further information go to http://redhandwriter.blogspot.com
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Blog Archive
- Rope Trick - Richard Fleming
- Poly Tunnel - Diane Scantlebury
- Dereliction - Donald Keyman
- Mourning Bird Song - K Svensson
- Backchat [ a soliloquy ] - Lyndon Queripel
- Bless You, Mr. Pryor - Tony Bradley
- Purify - Kathy Figueroa
- Wrong Cut - Ian Duquemin
- Evening - Trudie Shannon
- Impressions On The Ferry - Dead Mountains - Andrew...
- Red Suitcase - Diane Scantlebury
- Garden Diary - Richard Fleming
- Gillian Norris - Tony Bradley
- The Mistress Position - Wendy Maitland
- Crossroads - Lyndon Queripel
- Celandines While You Lie Dying - Trudie Shannon
- An Entire Life in Boxes - Ian Duquemin
- The Hourglass - Drew H.W.
- For You - Bryony de Lat
- Electoral Prayer - Diane Scantlebury
- To Drown - Richard Fleming
- I'm so sorry, Guernsey - Tony Bradley
- 9th of May 1945 - Lyndon Queripel
- When Jackboots Echoed - Ian Duquemin
- Seventy Years and Today - Trudie Shannon
- Freedom - Stephen A. Roberts
- Tall Trees - Jennywren
- Boom - Gordon Arnold
- Give and Take - Bryony de Lat
- The Little Café - Holly Jones
- 917 - Tony Bradley