Saturday, 30 May 2015

Poly Tunnel - Diane Scantlebury

My poly tunnel isn't majestic or grand
As a bold, green statement on the patio it stands,
Within the warmth of its shelter
Side by side we sit and sow,
The seeds and the tubers
We hope will thrive and grow,

Out of the compost and the muck
Now ingrained beneath our nails,
Come fresh, brave shoots to tenderly water
And fastidiously guard against slugs and snails,
On sunny days we’ll unzip and roll up the door
To allow cool air to circulate,
And let curious bees enter and get down to work
The beans and alluring strawberry flowers to pollinate,

Every time I look at my poly tunnel
I see a miracle place,
Where new life will germinate and grow,
And deep inside me there’s great joy and excitement
That only the parent of plant babies will know!

Diane Scantlebury

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