Wednesday, 13 May 2015

For You - Bryony de Lat

What can I do now, all I wanted in life
on that cruellest, blackest day
stolen from me for ever
please take this nightmare away.

All the good stuff in me's been taken
everything that was pure, made me proud
inspiration to strive, be brave, be strong
vanished, gone in a hideous black cloud.

Every new day, these constant reminders
slash at any chance of a new life, they sever
they cut without warning, jabbing, stabbing
and I'll be bleeding inside forever.

If all the precious things had vanished with you
I'm sure I could easily had gone with them too
easier than these empty todays & tomorrows
just wishing for, . . living for, . . dying for, . .you.

Bryony de Lat

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