A sparrow’s building in the box
we fixed up on the wall this spring:
hardly the tenant we desired;
a dull, unprepossessing thing,
unlike the Technicolor tit
but then, we had no choice in it.
He builds his nest there, bit by bit.
labours to find, fetch, gather, knit,
while we watch on and gradually
applaud his efforts, even cheer
this hero who was no one’s choice,
uplifted by his presence here.
Richard Fleming
This poem appears in Richard’s second poetry collection, Strange Journey.
For further information go to http://redhandwriter.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Blog Archive
- Rope Trick - Richard Fleming
- Poly Tunnel - Diane Scantlebury
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- Bless You, Mr. Pryor - Tony Bradley
- Purify - Kathy Figueroa
- Wrong Cut - Ian Duquemin
- Evening - Trudie Shannon
- Impressions On The Ferry - Dead Mountains - Andrew...
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- Garden Diary - Richard Fleming
- Gillian Norris - Tony Bradley
- The Mistress Position - Wendy Maitland
- Crossroads - Lyndon Queripel
- Celandines While You Lie Dying - Trudie Shannon
- An Entire Life in Boxes - Ian Duquemin
- The Hourglass - Drew H.W.
- For You - Bryony de Lat
- Electoral Prayer - Diane Scantlebury
- To Drown - Richard Fleming
- I'm so sorry, Guernsey - Tony Bradley
- 9th of May 1945 - Lyndon Queripel
- When Jackboots Echoed - Ian Duquemin
- Seventy Years and Today - Trudie Shannon
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- Give and Take - Bryony de Lat
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- 917 - Tony Bradley