Friday, 1 May 2015

917 - Tony Bradley

917 didn't really have a chidhood
was always hiding, too frightened, too shy
too much abuse, neglect and torture
917 just wanted to die.

917 can't trust anybody
unable to relax, make friends
thinks anyone's show of kindness
will always have sinister ends.

For 917 there's a red mist, now
of anger, when someone with powers
is unfair, or just a little bit curt
917 now no longer cowers.

917 seeks peace, in misguided revenge
someone else, an unwitting prey
that self-destruct button been pressed
and they lock 917 away.

So for 917 there's no career, no life
"behavioural problems, a misfit", they say
But it's not just here now, it goes on and on
there's new numbers every day.

Tony Bradley

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