Friday, 4 July 2014

Throw the Dice - Lester Qureipel and Fred Williamson

Is this paradise, limbo or hell?
I am running rings around the carousel
I am so confused, I simply cannot tell
Am I laying where I fell?
Are my ears ringing or is that the bell?
I do not want to wait to get to heaven
To get my reward
I want be knighted, not fall on my sword
I want rebirth here on earth
For all it is worth
Not to wait till I am six foot under the turf
I want a life of merriment and mirth
I want to be tossed in the surf
Maybe that is all I am worth
Pushing up the daisies, under the feet of ladies
Walking all over me, in their satin and lace
Kicking sand in my face
Talking about the weather,
Strutting together
Give me a taste of the feast
Give me a day at least
One day in paradise
I will throw the dice
Will my number be up
Come on, lady luck.

Lester Qureipel and Fred Williamson

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