Monday, 14 July 2014

Lines - Joan Raleigh

It was a night of destiny
my future was foretold,
He brooded with a sensual charm,
one look and I was sold!

His whispered words caressed my ears,
“let me see your hand.
I’ll tell you all you need to know,
don’t fight it, you understand?”

Slowly like a secret flower,
I opened to his sight.
He gently prised my palms apart,
and cupped them to the light.

His thumb revealed a magic web
of lines, a mystic tracery.
He said I had a psychic bent
bordering on elementary.

But most of all my Venus mount
was unprecedented passion.
And for another ten up front
he’d show my Ring of Solomon.

He bared my heart line to its soul,
and sussed out my stigmata.
But as for paying through the nose,
he might as well climb Luna.

Now I know that I’m a sausage short
of the proverbial barbie.
But my line of intuition said,
don’t trust this sexy swami!

Joan Raleigh

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