Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Rolling - Kathy Figueroa

I don’t use high-priced fuel -
Regular works fine for me.
I’m not a deluxe model,
But styled for economy.

There’s been no need for new parts,
Just a tune-up here and there -
No big modifications;
Sometimes, a minor repair.

My battery works quite well
Down to near forty below.
Anything colder than that
Means maybe I’ll need a tow.

No additives are required,
Such as drugs or alcohol;
In fact, they’d probably make
This old-fashioned engine stall.

Smokes could void the warranty,
But fudge adds a bit of zip
Should I ever need a boost
If I’m tired from a long trip.

My wheels keep right on turning
Over hardtop and gravel;
This vintage chassis gets me
Wherever I must travel.

My lustrous, shiny finish
Occasionally gets marred,
And my upholstery can
Look a bit wrinkled and scarred.

But I’m glad the motor revs
And has still got lots of spark;
It’s better to be rolling,
Than sidelined and left in “park.”

I don’t cruise in the fast lane,
But move at an even pace -
Just enjoying the journey,
..Not competing in a race.

Kathy Figueroa

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