Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Big Horse - Stephen A. Roberts

I made enquiries
and rented a field
for 30 quid a week
though it could have been more
I did not like to ask
them to repeat themselves;
I sometimes feel that I annoy people
doing that
on the telephone

the paddock was a sweet enclosure
and birds were chirping in
the hedgerows and gnarled hawthorn
that bordered it
though my hearing not being what it was
I could only guess that
they could be chaffinches,
or maybe reed bunting
this far south

soon into this setting
I brought a large mare
16 hands I think they said,
tall for female dobbin
surprise now ready I called you
and you arrived with hatred
and separation papers;
"I thought you wanted a big horse"
I said

Stephen A. Roberts

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