Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The Accident - Elizabeth Fisher

A cloud of sorrow hung damp and heavy over the crowd.
Where had they come from?
It was as if a nest of insects had emerged from the dry cracks in the earth and surrounded the corps.
The feeling was contagious
Like a killing desease
Spreading through the area.

No one spoke
The silence was broken by the loud sirens of speeding police cars and ambulances.
Blue lights flashed.
Actions were fast.

The ripple of exitement moved the throng.
The biker was dead.

The van that had turned in haste was discarded on the side.
No witnesses were found.
Just those who had heared the terrible bang.

A life was gone.
A saddness lingered and hovered over the grassy verge.
There was a feeling of perpetual grief.

Elizabeth Fisher

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