Saturday, 7 April 2012

Pride - Alec Jackson

She is magnificent!
golden resplendence,
the matriarch huntress,
independent, wild queen.

Her poise belies her life,
those struggles hidden
by majestic action
of selfless giving.

Only now do we see
this holy creature
within context, without;
female, mother, beauty.

Aged with sagacity,
providence guides him:
his own stature measured
by exploit and venture.

This king knows inner calm,
understands this time
and has seen this venus;
he roars his offering.

The plains echo the call,
distant kings retort
but here with cautious pride
steps the gentle equal.

Both paths remain aloof
yet bound together
the noble beasts, so joined
by fate and destiny.

Alight with fired passions
these two obfuscate;
she, her brood protecting,
he, on her rejecting

Yet, dependent, they go
the pair are prideful
caring as one, and on
the padding roads are traced.

Alec Jackson

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