Sunday, 1 April 2012

The Little Star - Liz Woodington

Little star shines so brightly
In the night’s sky,
Shining constantly,
Full of beauty and life……….
How pretty she looks,
At the start of her journey.

Little star flickers a bit,
Aware something is not right,
Losing vibrancy,
Not so sturdy now………….
Her brightness fading,
Seeming to have gone forever.

Little star shines no longer,
Her existence made extinct,
Simply forgotten,
Simply discarded from the sky………
The damage is done,
Can’t turn the clocks back now.

Little star sits in the sky,
Where no-one can see her,
Not worth anything,
Full of despair and rejection…………
But she knows she is there,
……….Don’t give up little star!!

Little star begins to be surrounded,
By a loving warmth,
Gradually getting brighter,
Starting to find herself again………
Once more she will reign,
In the night’s sky.

Little star shines so brightly,
In the night’s sky,
Free at last……….
Shining in all her glory,
For everyone to see.

Liz Woodington

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