Saturday, 14 April 2012

The Cost - Drew H.W.

Silent city of the dark
Where tombstone buildings mark the past
And trees aghast hold branches stark
Up to the haunted skies
To join forgotten cries.

Moon-drenched cobbles drown the sigh
Of solemn footfall, dying pace
And anguished face, a mourner I
Of blossoms gay in bloom
- Now choked in death’s perfume.

A suffocating fog of grief
That hanging heavy ‘neath the cloud
Does wait to shroud the lily wreath
I clutch in prayer worn hands
- The cost of Eden’s lands.

Walking sadly through the years
Bearing weight of tears not cried
For life that died, yet death still nears!
And stretches out its tangled claw
To seize this lily soul so pure.

Beating heart within does sound
The roll of drum around my head,
To wake the deadened past I’ve found
And grant it newfound breath
I’ll die a second death.

Falling, pleading ‘gainst the earth
I know not my soul’s worth to you
But I’ll anew with second birth
Within an eerie sleep
Forever in your keep.

Sweet slumber brings forth petals
A lilac snowfall settles calm
But to my palm are painful nettles
What! Can I not hold, just see
The life you promised me?

Drew H.W.

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