I sat on your pedestal waiting
Keeping it safe while you're gone
So high was its glory, my skin of milk white
Was scorched by the heat of the sun
Nobody noticed me waiting
They walked by without any care
Yet they'd have all stopped if I wasn't up here
And you were the one sitting there
I never intended to trade you
I thought I was being a friend
But where are you now when I need your return
So I am then free to descend
The seasons have changed since you left me
The tides turned to salt from my tears
And yet I remain here just waiting
Your promise of days became years
Ian Duquemin
Sunday, 8 October 2017
Blog Archive
- Oh Garlic! - Kathy Figueroa
- If I Could - Lyndon Queripel
- The Scramble Of Time - Tony Gardner
- Deity Doll - Lester Queripel
- Bunker Hill - Stephen A. Roberts
- Solitude? I could get used to this - Tony Bradley
- Your Pedestal - Ian Duquemin
- Restaurant Review - Egon Rongway
- The Working Week - Diane Scantlebury