Sunday, 1 October 2017

The Working Week - Diane Scantlebury

Moany Monday

Monday’s for misery
Monday’s for groaners,
Whiners and complainers
Monday’s for moaners,

The grumpy and the grisly ones
Are never the stay at homers,
They love to spread unhappiness
For Monday’s for moaners,

The angry ones, the unreasonable ones
Always shouting down the phoners,
They save it up all weekend
Till moan day,
‘Cause Monday’s for moaners!

Terrific Tuesday

Tuesday’s a better day
Hardly ever manic,
A time to reflect day
When no one’s in a panic,

Tuesday’s a calm day
A perfect day for meetings,
Everyone seems so relaxed
With more time for greetings,

Why Tuesday’s such a nice day
Isn’t down to things specific,
A relief from moany Monday
Tuesdays are terrific!

Strange Wednesday

What’s the point of Wednesday?
It’s neither here nor there,
A middle of the week day
When no one seems to care,

Wednesday’s such a strange day
Sometimes it’s full of woe,
A shelter from the rain day
When there’s nowhere else to go,

Wednesdays can be busy
Most times they’ll start off quiet,
Just occasionally someone kicks off,
But it’s not a day to riot!

Crazy Thursday

Thursday’s a crazy, busy day,
Thursday’s always manic,
Waiting room noisy, full to bursting,
The Staff are in a panic,

Angry parents with tempers frayed,
Kids bored, around in circles run,
Such an unforgiving day,
Crazy Thursdays aren’t much fun!


Hurrah, hurrah for Friday
A day that should be fun,
Friday’s the day to thank the Lord,
‘Cause the working week is done!

Diane Scantlebury

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