Sunday, 29 October 2017

Oh Garlic! - Kathy Figueroa

Oh Garlic, of the great Allium Tribe
Bulbous root, so vibrant and exciting
You cast a magic spell that works so well
To make food delicious and inviting

Beneath that papery exterior
Is a flavourful essence, bold and true
Other seasonings seem inferior
Compared to the razzamatazz of you

Elevating plain old soup to glory!
To bread, adding a delectable glow!
Of all veggies to be acquainted with
It’s versatile you I most want to know!

You add pizzazz to all types of salads -
Potato, cruciferous, and green tossed -
With toothsomeness worthy of great ballads
You rescue appetites from being lost

You’re also useful medicinally
To keep cold and flu viruses at bay
And when garlic oil is mixed with water
It makes an effective mosquito spray

An incredible versatility
Extends beyond what could be expected:
Your antibacterial properties
Were used to keep war wounds disinfected!

Sometimes, Garlic, you receive a bad rap
“You’re much too odiferous,” some folks claim
Those who are worried about dragon breath
Should know it’s something that parsley can tame

If the thought of vampires gives folks a fright
Some legends claim garlic is protective
It’s said that a clove worn around the neck
Is a repellent that’s most effective

I’ve extolled these fine characteristics
In verses of joyous veneration
And thank you, Garlic, for your qualities
Worthy of this public adulation!

Kathy Figueroa

Oh Garlic! was published on August 10, 2017, in The Bancroft Times newspaper.

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