All lines should rhyme
Because when reading it
This saves a lot of time!
Topics should be warm and cosy
So we all know exactly what is meant
Nothing to bend th’enraptured will
But stifle with sentiment.
Jokes too are okay
As long as they
Don’t break societal convention
Preconceived clichés are so much more apt
To gain the audience’s attention
A poem can show wit and be apposite
But not be improprietous;
Indecorous behaviour
Is reserved for rioters
Whilst it is absolutely forbidden to assume
Any stance of politics or philosophy
(That is best left to the bedroom!)
To win one’s audience to one’s side
One must make no comment absurd nor snide
But levelling all experience at root
And aphorisms twee to boot
The concept of the poem should be endlessly brewed
And any fortitude or boldness eschewed
Every word pored over in minutest detail for all to see
The dead idea thence pinned to a tree
Nothing free or frivolous should blight the page
Lest the dear reader fly in a rage
With sentiments barren and mundane ideas
Nothing original should blight one’s ears
No idolatrous ideas, or tales of woe
Nor bravely how we bashed the foe
But metaphors bland and senseless dross
Lest our pals think us incongruous
Respect your reader and try to ease
Areas where he has sensibilities
The poet may pull his hair out in writing verse and rhyme
But the reader does not always have the time
To decode scrawlings of trenchant pus
These kinds of poems will not liberate us!
Christopher J. Hudson
Saturday, 9 August 2014
The Proseman’s Guide to Writing Poetry - Chris Hudson
Chris Hudson,
Poetic Form,
Blog Archive
- Dance in the Blood - Diane Scantlebury
- Islands Of Cloud - Fred Williamson
- Inside - Lester Queripel and Fred Williamson
- A Cordon Of Love - Aindre Reece-Sheerin
- Oasis at the heart of Amazon - Judith Anne Finetti
- Jargon - Janet
- A Night at the Bar - Joan Raleigh
- The King Is Dead; Long Live the King! - Chris Hudson
- Coxswain of the Cockpit - Vic Gamble
- Bleak Thoughts For A Bleak Generation - Stephen A....
- Media Propaganda - Ian Duquemin
- If I Had A Son - Alex Jones
- Buy Local - Lester Queripel
- Free App - Diane Scantlebury
- Red Sun Falling - Fred Williamson
- It's Time To Look At Ourselves - Lester Queripel a...
- The Joys Of Having A Mobile Phone - Elizabeth Fisher
- GAZA Palestine ~ July 24th 2014 - Aindre Reece-She...
- Birds - Judith Anne Finetti
- Drifting - Joan Raleigh
- As I Look Back - Janet
- The Proseman’s Guide to Writing Poetry - Chris Hudson
- Requiem For Dead Alcoholic - Vic Gamble
- Halfway to Four - Stephen A. Roberts
- After Reading About Diogenes Of Sinope - Adam Clayton
- Leeds 81 - Ian Duquemin
- Letter Home - Richard Fleming
- Recycling The Mind - Lester Queripel
- My Garden - Diane Scantlebury
- Loving Days - Fred Williamson