Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Birds - Judith Anne Finetti

Birds - the dinosaurs who took to the skies and survived
From their dawn chorus,
Earlier and earlier in the morning in early summer
Yes 4.40 am is early for me!

From the Pied Wagtail who had a quick shower in our pool in Italy
One very hot morning
To the beautiful Buzzard who nearly hit my bonnet in deepest France on the drive down
Instruct your sat nav to avoid motorways at all costs
And you will really see nature
Navigatore -sounds so much better in Italian

Also the Hoopoe swooping through our garden
Again and again to feed her young
With her pink stripes and crest on her head
You would swear she belonged to the parrot family

Yes the bird world has so much to offer
And not forgetting the ubiquitous common Mallard with her brood
Who is prepared to stop the busy traffic to guide her ducklings
Across many a busy road to safety

And growing up by the sea
We cannot forget the vast variety of sea birds native to Guernsey
From the Brent geese who take refuge faithfully
Every winter at Bordeaux
To the Oyster Catchers with their wonderful cry across the bay
And not forgetting the little Turnstones who potter around the Bridge
Between our feet
Gradually extending their scavenging area from the beach to the
Crumbs on the pavement that the young drop as they stroll by
Grazing on the hoof

And finally the Egret who regularly forages at low tide
Largely unnoticed by passers by
I could go on and on

Judith Anne Finetti

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