Thursday, 14 August 2014

The Joys Of Having A Mobile Phone - Elizabeth Fisher

She was sitting alone
In a coffee shop that she had found
Stirring her brown sugar cube in her cappuccino round and around.

Will he?
Won't h?
Will he?
Won't he?
Were the words spinning in her head.
She was remembering
Every single word that he said.

Her thoughts were interrupted abruptly
By the ringing tone on her mobile phone.

She was startled and opened her bag
Her head began to sag.
She spoke softly and then she switched it off abruptly.

She sat and smiled and starred ahead.
Thank goodness her mobile hadn't gone dead

Suddenly from nowhere
Two figures appeared before her and sat down.
The two girls that she had gone out with last night in the town.

Well------ did he?
Didn't he?
They spouted.

HE DID!! she shouted.

Elizabeth Fisher

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