Sunday, 15 June 2014

Nostalgia Is Proportional To Love - Marianna Pliakou

You exchanged the smell of the pine trees for the wet grass of the north.
But your dreams are full of pine needles
and you can still hear the sound of the buzzing grasshopper.

You exchanged the touch of the burning rocks for the beaten stones of the Atlantic.
But your body craves for the sun
and you can still see the emerging dance of the heat on the sand.

Nostalgia floods your room
While images of your mother and father swim across the bed like goldfish.
And in the infertile loneliness,
your friends emerge from the ground like olive trees and rivers.

So you put their smiles in your pocket
and tenderness in your palms.

So you embrace this nostalgia as you embrace their love.

Marianna Pliakou

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