"Tiger, Tiger, burning bright
In the middle of the night''
We have heard these words many times before.
But I saw that tiger.
Thats for sure.
I was totally petrified and in fright
And this wasn't in the night.
A huge cage was placed close to the main gate
And we were kindly asked if we would pay and wait.
And have our photos taken carrying a baby cub so small
There were eight in all
Each like a fluffy ball.
They all looked the same
"Don't worry we were advised
The mother is quite tame".
The huge head
The cruel bright green eyes
The severe black stripes
All gave rise
To a terrible fear
Why was I here?
I froze ridgid to the ground
My vision was blurred
I couldnt look around.
Shadows were passing me
Shoving me
"Move on and give us our turn"
I could only hear groaning.
I couldn't move
As i said before
There was no way I was going through that door.
Photo flashes passed my vision
Children were holding cubs
Tonight they would be on television.
They were next to this creature
With the terrible features.
I could'nt talk
I was glued to the spot
Was this was my lot.
People were still walking passed me
In groups of twos and threes
Fear had completely taken over me.
And frozen my knees
This was a nightmare
When would i awake?
This was my most terifying moment
How could I escape.?
I quickly questioned myself
Why was I in this queue?
I asked myself this question as the tiger came into view.
When I moved closer and saw her face
So manlike and large
I suddenly woke back into reality
And doubled my pace.
I ran back to my car
Which seemed so far
My legs still wobbly
My head spinning round
I was so glad when my feet left the ground.
I slammed the car door
And looked across to the cage
In my mind those terrible eyes were starring in rage.
This is what I could see.
They were folowing me.
The weight of her body
I could sense from this space
Could knock someone down
These thoughts went through my head
Round and around.
She could do worse I was thinking
I'd hate her to turn for just holding her cub
This was my concern.
This was not for me .
My life is more important you see.
I have never had such fear
For any other animal in my life before
I have been close to lions and cheetahs
`but have always wanted to see more.
This memory is with me today
I think of myself as
Elizabeth Fisher
Monday, 9 June 2014
Blog Archive
- Before The Service - Vic Gamble
- Here I Go - Lester Queripel
- St James - Diane Scantlebury
- Angry Falls - Fred Williamson
- Depth of Silence - Joan Raleigh
- Today While You Shine - Ian Duquemin
- The Traveller - Ros Willard
- Times Whispers - Trudie Shannon, Fred Williamson &...
- When We First Heard the News - Chris Hudson
- The Last Hours of Edith Cavell - Joan Willard
- Moon From Attic Window - Vic Gamble
- Our Beautiful Summer Days - Lester Queripel
- The Rubbish Tip - Susan Jones
- Nostalgia Is Proportional To Love - Marianna Pliakou
- A List Of Birds - John E Blaise
- Ten is the Magic Number - Diane Scantlebury
- Return To My Childhood - Fred Williamson
- Incy Wincy - Jean Jorgensen
- Wash Day - Joan Raleigh
- A Memorable Visit With a Tiger - Elizabeth Fisher
- Fatal Error - Drew H.W.
- Trees - Ros Willard
- She Might Just Succeed - Ian Duquemin
- Wired To The Universe - Trudie Shannon & Lester Qu...
- The Behemoth of the Deeps - Chris Hudson
- Why I Keep Coming Back - Ron Blicq
- Sonnet to a Guernsey Cow seen on L’Ancresse Common...