Sunday, 8 June 2014

Fatal Error - Drew H.W.

So here's the score.
Well actually it's more of a confession.
An admission of a macabre truth
That has plagued me for years.
I wish that I didn't do these things,
But I cannot help it.
I have come to realise that it is a part of me,
That I am powerless where it is concerned.
More sad is the fact that it is only getting worse.
Each time the loss is greater,
The physical harm more abhorrent and the suffering
More prolonged until in the end,
I contentedly watch the lights go out at my own hands!
I do feel remorse,
But it is short lived as soon enough a new victim
Comes along and I begin planning
All the exciting things I can do with it...
There is one next to me now,
A scarred and wretched thing,
Longing to be put down,
For it has been destroyed,
Broken down bit by bit.
Nigh on drowned and then revived
Only to further suffer.
It slips in and out of responsiveness, sometimes
Flitting between a catatonic state and suddenly
Without warning, attempting to startle me in
Piercing alarm.
Yet in spite of my inevitable frustration and anger,
It still refuses to cooperate with my demands.
It is of little use to me now, the next shake could be
The last for all I know.
And that time will come, it always does!
And only then (like those before it), will I swiftly
remove its vitals,
Keeping them as mementos.
Only to wrap its lifeless frame in one of those charity
bags and mail it to some well meaning
organisation; how they must recoil in horror upon
I am a mobile phone killer and this contract's almost up!

Drew H.W.

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