Saturday, 14 June 2014

A List Of Birds - John E Blaise

Duck, she’s thrown a plate
Pigeon, sitting on a bar stool
Cuckoo, mad and crazy, playing the fool
Coot, bored and pissed
Owl, wise and old
Blue Tit, must be cold
Lark, up for a jolly jape
Robin, wearing Batman’s cape
Kite, flying high in the sky
Swan, just lazing around
Parrot, the words abound
Rook, will screw you for a pound
Goose, it must be chased then cooked
Chicken, are you scared of me
Gannet, just too greedy
Swallow, chew your food
Crow, gloating with satisfaction
Shag, it’s just for a reaction.

John E Blaise

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