Friday, 30 May 2014

The Breaking Waves - Marianna Pliakou

The waves came crashing in again.
We knew they were coming.
And so we tried to build an arc.

But we had eaten all the animals and burned all the trees.
And only a few of us were left, our homeʼs Spartan defenders.

We locked up and filled the gaps in the walls.
But the hungry fishes smashed the doors and shattered the windows.
Burst into our living room, sat on the table and ate our books.

Salt filled our mouths, our tongues went numb.
No words were spoken, our voices lost in the water.

Only our bodies embraced one another, like infinite, doomed lovers,
in their harmonious majesty before the last blow.

The waves came crashing in again.
We knew they were coming.
And so we embraced each other.

At last, in the end, till the end.

Marianna Pliakou

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