Saturday, 24 May 2014

Dread Squabble, Reed Warble, Creed Scrawled - Chris Hudson

Crucifixes watched over in threshold experiential, tracing every motion before
Like a quivering muscle that neurons refuse to fire, yet expanding delight
Earth wanderers and reed-weed squanderers, tumbled into town
These needed seeds nighted in splendiferous oblivion
Delighted by time’s inversion learned anew every day
Trammels thought in delimited channels
Brain train hacked occluded declaration, neurologistically deconstructing daydreams
Absurd ideologies fall like overblown fruit, seeds transplanted, uprooted and broadcast,
Finite images of the image makers, poking phallus fun at springtime orgies
Flower-bedecked and dew-spangled, erotic interchange of entwined intertextuality
Barely making sense, incensed and incense, under the wheel and oiled and spieled
Neutered newspeak in pallid, rendered refraction
Oiled dealing wheels, bought another’s head, state died in transitory moment of people’s faith,
Between world and art, moving grooving shimmer flesh swaying
In dances of flesh in melatrope miasmed slaughtering blues, knives flashing in rows
On spinning mechanisms exempt from tests loosened and chosen, blue light caromed
From tin can reflect justice done and scripture revealed, explored depths of mystery
Returned to report back, for all those out on the byways and tracks
Who aren’t building a state of derision from the sweat of other people’s backs
Water milky with human kindness, browned with blood, blackened with impossible age.
See! The light of day, beyond the Caucasus, futurologists mimed
Haloed with dreams, flaying the broken edges of reality in distortion field
Friends’ mouths agape, beat through the thoroughfare, transition from feeble to hopeful
Green again, at last relax! Introspection, interjected and rejected on primal grounds
In rational board games, traverse expand from ego-nest-egg of decimated perceptions
Black and white on the greedy grasping rapacious, sickened continuum, blackened and charred,
Into a whisper spiral shell of thought regaled by sad drama of unfolding episode
Panegyric, lyrical wax and wane, weapons of war stored carefully away, time bomb future
Letters and truth from the all-seeing cries of possession, lend me time and release me with letters
Gatherings, emotion of life, futuristic explanation, escapades of love, enraptured with bliss
Pre-rational soul scape, immutable and whole, growth from the heart
Lands not splintered and cracked by nuclear attack.
Dwelling, noble mind, etchings and craft, gently looped structure with chinks of light
Filled in with mosses and rocks, underground hideaway, warm cosy den,
Lime light rebounds and surrounds, in head room I am loose, I choose, sacred space
Unbuttoned, chilled out, unbounded in the breeze of time, contemplating unrealised things
Silent stage of body space, trained in mime, no cracked egg shells to dispel
Spring of consciousness revealed, ideals, crouched to the centre, flimsy transparent shield
Of other’s confusion, envelope of sound reflects and rebounds, mildly in tension
Reverberate well oiled drum, living skin, not dumb.
Cannot undo what has been done, instant glimmer and flitter, sparrow’s song
Lunched on the pogrom of incantatory psalm, turn innocence outward into love projection
Momentary stasis blockading incredulity, we are alive!
Not nonplussed by our beauty, we wear it with pride
Transcended template into our space.

Chris Hudson

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