I watched Amy
And I cried,
Such a beautiful bright star
Should never have died,
A tragic, troubled life
In public unfurled,
A talent eclipsed
Now lost to the world,
It made me think
Of my own precious one,
And of all of us
Who have daughters or sons,
For their future happiness
Our hopes we raise,
Encourage their dreams
Give them praise,
Extend loving arms
When they feel all is lost,
To be there for them
Without counting cost,
I watched Amy
And I cried,
A beautiful talent gone
A bright star has died.
Diane Scantlebury
Friday, 2 May 2014
Blog Archive
- The Watchers - Susan Jones
- The Breaking Waves - Marianna Pliakou
- Boxer - John E Blaise
- My Little Bird - Diane Scantlebury
- Orchestra of Rain - Fred Williamson
- Face-It - Lester Queripel
- Times A-Changing (Ode to Bob Dylan) - Ian Duquemin
- Dread Squabble, Reed Warble, Creed Scrawled - Chri...
- Granny - Ros Willard
- Beach Braves at Port Soif - Jean Jorgensen
- St Peter Port Promenade - Joan Willard
- Bad fruit in Eden - Susan Jones
- Nostalgia Is Not Always To Be Trusted - Marianna P...
- I Was A Rasta - Chris Hudson
- The Writer in Me - Ian Duquemin
- You Are A Rock - John E Blaise
- Thursdays - Ros Willard
- Lament - Jean Jorgensen
- Anger Revolves The Heart T’entrap - Chris Hudson
- “I’m Coco” - Joan Willard
- The Swan, The Bluebottle And The Flying Horse - Su...
- I Was - Ros Willard
- Black Suede Dreams - Jean Jorgensen
- When God Drops His Crumbs - Chris Hudson
- A Caution - Diane Scantlebury
- Unmistakably Quink - Susan Jones
- New Day (For Uncle Peter With Love. R.I.P) - Ian D...
- Evidently Donkey Town - Chris Hudson
- Bright Star - Diane Scantlebury
- Clouds of Time - Susan Jones