Thursday, 13 March 2014

Writer’s Block - Ros Willard

I sit, pen poised above a blank page
but no words come.

I am sure they will flow again
when I have inspiration,
when I am less tired,
less stressed,
have more time,
when I win the Premium Bonds,
when the interest rates go up, go down,
when the Saints go marching in,
when the lion lies down with the lamb
and the waters cover the sea,
when bluebirds sing over the white cliffs of Dover,
when Jupiter is in alignment with Mars,
when the cow jumps over the moon,
when it’s winter, summer,
when it rains cats and dogs,
when Hell freezes over,
when I’ve climbed Mount Kenya,
Mount Fuji, the Matterhorn,
when I’ve seen Vesuvius erupt,
when I’ve bathed in the Ganges,
swum with dolphins
and sailed on the Nile,
when I fall in love,
out of love,
suffer the pangs of unrequited love.

In the meantime I sit,
pen poised above a blank page.

Ros Willard

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